Wednesday 14 September 2011

Unknown facts about Paris:

Fact #1: There are more cigarette smokers in Paris than there are people...FACT!
Fact #2: You cannot walk more than 10m without tripping over some Parisians lung they have just coughed up and spat out onto the pavement...FACT!
Fact #3: Not one Parisian driver has a drivers licence nor has any one of them ever had a driving lesson...FACT!
Fact #4: The best place to have a cigarette while messaging a friend on your mobile and changing a song on your iPod, all at the same time is on your motor scooter while riding through the busiest intersection in Paris...FACT!

1 comment:

  1. That is halarious
    This blog is awsome mate.
    You have all done a great job
    It almost feels like we are with you
    I am hoping this works as I have tried to put a comment on a few times without success so I did what any other computer iliterate person does and I phoned the lovely Rebecca. Thanks Bec.
    Can't wait for the next installment. The Potters
