Sunday 11 September 2011

Day 10 Paris:

Well it appears we were right; we did enter Paris from her behind. We managed to get out and about today on the open top bus tour and we saw this city in a much better light. The day started with us walking down to Notre Dame Cathedral to catch the bus. We took the Paris Grand Tour (the green route) which took us along the Champs-Elysees, around the Arc de Triomphe and down past the Eiffel Tower, the one thing we have been dying to see........or so it was meant to. Around the Arc de Triomphe we go and back down the Champs-Elysees. We’ve been stiffed!! The most famous spot in Paris and we get detoured. Apparently the bus tour doesn’t go that way today. Would have been nice to know that before we forked out our dough! Fortunately we forked out enough dough for a 2 day ride so we will have to try that one again tomorrow. We get off the bus a couple of hours later back at the starting point. We had to do the last quarter of the trip inside the bus because the Paris weather has gone from stinking hot when we arrived yesterday to cold and wet. We pick up some lunch and stopped off at the apartment to grab our brollies. We walked back down to get back on the bus s/and we’re sitting up the top with our brollies out when we think maybe if we get close enough we can walk to the Eiffel Tower!? We get off the bus, minus one umbrella because mine decided to turn itself inside out while we were travelling along on the top of the bus and we start the 1km or so walk. By this time it’s raining pretty hard. We get about two-thirds the way there and it just keeps raining harder so we decide to turn back and have a drink at the cafe/pub we passed a street back. We had a wine and decided to get back to the apartment because the rain is relentless. On the way back we stop in at a shop to buy a couple of tee-shirts and by the time we come out it’s like we are in a different city, the rain has gone, the sky is blue and the sun is shining. So we are back at the apartment now to shower up and head back out for dinner, our first real attempt at ordering food in a French restaurant. My all night French studying netted me a total of 4 words so we may try and order a ham and cheese pizza tonight and end up with pig’s trotters. All I can hope is that those trotters taste good!
"The Arc de Triomphe looking down the Champs-Elysee"
"Mia looking Gorgeous on the Champs-Elysee"
"Looking down the Seine to Notre Dame Cathedral"
"Our first French restaurant"

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