Sunday 25 September 2011

Day 21 Munich:

We had 3 main things we wanted to do in Munich, the Dachau Concentration Camp, Oktoberfest and The Eagles Nest tour (Adolf Hitler’s headquarters). The Eagles Nest tour was a day trip that we assumed went every day. We went to the tourist centre on Monday, our first full day in Munich, to be informed that the tour only runs Mondays and Fridays. The Monday’s tour had been cancelled due to snow and Friday’s tour was no good for us because we are on a train to Switzerland. No amount of research could find any alternate tours or tour days so unfortunately this tour didn’t happen and we were a bit disappointed. So today is our last full day in Munich and we now have a free day to look around and just for something different we thought we would take.........the OPEN TOP BUS TOUR!!! Unlike London and Paris, Munich’s open top bus tour was a bit lame, a bit like taking an open top bus tour through Perth. They have 3 routes, the city route, the Schwabing route and the Olympia route. In London and Paris these buses litter the roads like cigarette butts, there was so many of them running it was a relatively short wait if you were waiting to get back on again at any stop. Not here, the city tour only runs every 30 mins or so and the others are like every 1-2 hours with designated times. We do the City tour first which takes an hour. Truth is I reckon we could have whipped around in about 10 mins because they stopped a lot and there wasn’t much to see. I think if we hadn’t of been to London and Paris beforehand this tour would have been a lot more exciting. We get back to the start with the intention of jumping on the Olympia tour that takes us to the Olympic stadium but it’s not there and it is a bit of a wait. The Schwabing bus is there though so we jump on that thinking we will go around and then get off close to our apartment, do a couple of things and walk back into the city afterwards. We didn’t realise we were staying as close to the city as what we were until we did this tour. On the map it looks a fair hike but we are actually a lot closer than we think. We get off the bus and wander around and make our way back to the apartment. We box some stuff up to send home because our bags are getting bigger and heavier. We happen to have a post office around the corner so we make our way there and have it shipped off. We continue walking into the city buying a couple of snacks on the way. I told Kristine that the last Olympia tour was leaving at 4:30 so that was our target time. We get there at 4:05 and realise I had got it wrong, the tour had left at 4:00. Ooops! I worked it out when we got home, from the time we got off the Schwabing bus to the time we had got back to the start of the Olympia tour stop we had walked just over 7kms. So now that we have missed that bus we are a bit disappointed and we can’t be shagged doing much else so we decide to make our way home. We just snack for dinner because we have eaten at the local Italian restaurant 4 nights in a row and last night you could have rolled us home. We have eaten that much since we have been in Munich we are starting to feel a bit crook and although the apartment we have been staying in in Munich is fantastic, Kris and I have been having an issue with the bed which is a whole different story on its own, so sleep has been at a minimum. So tonight will be an early one after we have done the bulk of the packing and we can wake up ready for our next rail journey to Lucerne in Switzerland.
"Another open top bus tour....YAY"

"Downtown Munich"

"You have stiffy problem or feel you not match uva guy? Eat at China restaurant get Man Fat!!"

"Afternoon coffee at the coffee shop next to our apartment"

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