Well, that was a tough day, but the end result was worth all
the pain. We started early this morning by leaving our apartment in
Lauterbrunnen at 6:50am to catch the 7 o’clock train. Our journey today
involved 6 trains over an 8 hour period. It was still pitch black when we left
Lauterbrunnen train station and the sun didn’t surface for at least another
hour. The train ride today took us from Lauterbrunnen to Interlaken then onto
Spies, then to Milan, Genoa, Sestri Levante and finally Monterosso. The journey
was another cracker as the train hugged lakes, went through the Swiss Alps and
the Northern Italian Alps and finished off by hugging the Mediterranean Sea
from Genoa to Monterosso. With five connecting train rides we were expecting
some fireworks but it all went fairly smoothly. The only time things started to
get hairy was when Trenitalia got involved, my favourite train company. I
cannot believe how shit this train company is. All the trains in Europe are very
good, pvery efficient and extremely comfortable. None of these apply for the
Italian train service. Our change over on the train from Milan to Genoa allowed
us 10 minutes to catch our next train to Sestri Levante. Ten minutes is
normally cutting it fine but at a small outpost train station ten minutes
should be heaps of time. That is for any other train company. I don’t think
I’ve ever ridden an Italian train that has arrived on time. So, normally we
would have our stuff packed up and we’d be waiting at the doors 10-15 minutes
before the train arrives at the station ready to jump off but just as we were
about to do that out comes the “trolley man” with his trolley full of snacks
and it looks as though he is going to block the passage to the doors (proper
trains have a restaurant carriage and don’t have to rely on a knob pushing a
trolley ringing a bicycle bell). Because the train we are on is going to
continue on to somewhere else after we have got off he is probably oblivious to
the fact that people need to get off this train shortly. Initially we thought
it wouldn’t be a problem because no one is buying anything so he’s moving
pretty quick but of course, just as he gets to the people in front of us they
want to do their weekly shopping and this guy and his trolley is now blocking
us. Not only is he blocking us but he is also blocking us from getting to our
bag. We lose precious time and end up way back in the pack for the race to the
door. All of this is happening while we still don’t know if we are on the
correct train or if this is even our stop. There was no indication on the monitors
at the platform when we boarded the train that it was stopping at Genoa,
nothing inside the train to tell us where the train was going and no
information regarding if it was on time or not, which is all standard
information on non Italian trains. We didn’t even have a ticket inspector come
into our coach during the 1 ½ hour trip, not even to check our tickets! To make
things worse the train is running
late (surprise, surprise). Luckily for us our connecting train is also running
late (surprise, surprise) so it didn’t end up like it did a couple of years ago
when we were trying to get to Venice. Anyway, we get o the next train and make
it to Sestri Levante. We get off and ask some Trenitalia dude which platform
the train to Monterosso will be on. He says” ahhhhh, look at the monitor.....”
So we do that and.......it’s not on there. It appears they have decided not to
run that train today. Why? Because we are in Italy now, that’s why. So I speak
to this lady at the ticket counter and she lets me know about another train that
is going to Monterosso. This train arrives....late (surprise, surprise) but
gets us to Monterosso. We get off and walk through the tunnel and BAM, this
place is amazing. The first thing we see is the ocean and a street full of
people lunching, walking, eating ice-cream, it’s just incredible. We make our
way to the apartment and we get met by Mario, the restaurant/wine bar guy from
over the road (umm, no idea why he was meeting us there and not the holiday
apartment guy) and he lets us in and shows us around. The apartment is
fantastic and sits directly above a pizzeria but we don’t hang around, we head
straight out for a look around and eventually make our way back to the pizzeria
for a pizza. We continue looking around some more before we visit Mario’s wine
bar for some wine and an antipasti plate. To end the night we go for a walk
along the terrace above the beach and buy some ice-creams before heading back
to bed.

One of the many change overs
Yay, were here
Our first look at the Monterosso view
The antipasti plate at Mario's
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