Our first morning in Lauterbrunnen starts with Tyler and I
running a reconnaissance mission down to the Coop supermarket, bakery and ATM
while Kris and Mia take their time getting ready. By the time we get back it
starts to rain and there is a lot of low lying cloud. We head back out and grab
some groceries and we also visit the local hiking shop to get Kris and I a
decent rain jacket each because we are going to look ridiculous running around
the alps with cheap Paris raincoats. We also got some great advise from the
hotel owner last night about buying a Jungfraubahnen pass (click to see map - everything in red is covered by the pass) that allows us access
to about 80% of the local trains, mountain cog wheel trains and cable cars in
the Jungfrau region. It was bloody expensive but doing all the things we want
to do and paying every time to do it will end up costing us a lot more.
Lauterbrunnen sits in a valley between two sets of huge mountain ranges and we
are keen to explore. So with our passes in our hands we walk about 50 meters to
the first of the cable car stations that will take us to Murren which is higher
up behind Lauterbrunnen. This is a large cable car that fits about 50 people
(all though there is only a few of us on it) and takes us to an altitude of
4,885ft before we jump on this little train carriage that takes us along the
edge of the mountain for about 5km to Murren and increasing in altitude to
5400ft. From here we can catch another cable car to the Schilthorn which is
9710ft in altitude. Unfortunately today the weather is very cloudy and when we
reach Murren there is not a lot to see. Apart from the small town itself,
everything is immersed in cloud. We are a bit disappointed so we have a look
around and get back on the train and head back to Lauterbrunnen. Once back at
Lauterbrunnen we jump on a cog wheel train across the road from the cable car
station and head up the other side of the valley. We decide to get off at
Wengen which is a town that sits at an altitude of 4180ft and get on another
cable car to a spot called Mannlichen at 7300ft. The cable car arrives and it
is similar to the one we went on to Murren and it starts to go up and this one
is steep. As its going up though it goes straight into cloud and from about the
half way point all we could see was white. We get to the top and we literally cannot
see more than 10 feet in front of us. We follow a path to another cable
car station and we could not see a thing. It was so cloudy and we had no idea
how far away the station was but as it turned out it was only about 100m away.
This station had the little 4 person cable cars which we jump on and this takes
us for miles, a trip that lasted about 30 minutes to a place called Grindelwald
back down to an altitude of 3100ft. From here we jump on another cog wheel
train that takes us for another half an hour back up to a station called Klein
Scheidegg and back to an altitude of 6770ft. This is the main stop before
continuing on to the Jungfraujoch or as its called around here, "The Top
of Europe". Due to the poor visibility we Did not go up. Our pass gives us
as much access as we want to all the trains but we only get access to the
Jungfraujoch once, so we save that for another day. We hang around here for a
little while and we get a hot chocolate and apple strudel because it has been
cold and damp most of the day. While we are sitting in the restaurant Tyler
says he need to go to the toilet. So do I, so we head downstairs and the men's
toilet has a sign on it. It's in German so I've got no idea what it says but
I'm assuming it may be something to do with cleaning. I check inside on no one
is in there so I assume it's ok. I take up a position at the urinal and Tyler
heads to the stall (number 2). So I'm standing there taking a leak and someone
enters the toilet. I don't look up because I don't really car and then I start
hearing this "squirt, squirt" sound like someone is spraying a squirt
bottle. I look around and there is this woman cleaning the around me. Now I'm
standing there with my snag out half way through my wee and she hasn't battered
an eyelid. So I continue on and she continues on and when I've finished she
heads over to where I was standing and "squirt, squirt", starts
cleaning where I'd been! So I'm washing my hands and Tyler comes out and she
heads in there to squirt, squirt where he'd been! So Tyler and me high tailed
it out of there quick smart laughing our heads off. We leave the restaurant and
get back on another cog wheel train that takes us back to Lauterbrunnen via
Wengen. By now its starting to get late so when we get back and head straight for
the Coop for some groceries because tonight we are eating in. We dump the
groceries at the apartment and go for a wander to the waterfall that sits
pretty much behind our apartment. This waterfall is amazing. It drops 290m into
Lauterbrunnen from the mountain above down a sheer rock face. There is a track
that takes you up the cliff face about 40m and you can stand behind the
waterfall, it's incredible! When we get back to the apartment Mia makes up a
menu. Tyler and Mia have decided to be our Master Chefs tonight and the dress
up and serve our beer and wine and decorate the plates. It was great and Kris
and I just sat back and enjoyed the attention. We sit and cha and have a good
old laugh and we are hope tomorrow's weather will improve, we doubt it though.

In the cable car on our way to Murren
The kids are rugged up, its cold up here today
Our cable car from Mannlichen to Grinderwald
Lauterbrunnen with its famous waterfall
Lauterbrunnen Valley with the waterfall to the right, Murren top right, the Eiger back left and Wengen and Mannlichen to the left.
The kids getting dinner ready in their own Master Chef style
The M and T's menu
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