Saturday 31 August 2013

London – Day 1

Today we were up and out before 8. It is a magnificent day; the sun is shining, blue skies and it’s not too cold. The weather forecast for the next week appears to be the same if not getting better, you little ripper!!  We headed down to a Patisserie near Leicester Square for breakfast. This is the same patisserie we stumbled across on our first morning of our last holiday. After breakfast we wonder around a bit and find ourselves down at Trafalgar Square. We don’t have any plans at this stage apart from stocking up on groceries, going out for lunch, going to the pub and then going out for dinner.  We head back to the apartment to grab a few things and I realise I have forgotten my battery charger and my battery is dead. There is a camera shop along Oxford Street so we go for a wander and check out the shops while we are there. One thing about Covent Garden, it is very close to most of the main areas of London and everything is either walking distance or a short tube ride. After that, it’s back down to Covent Garden Market area for lunch. Being a Saturday the place is jam packed but we manage to find a spot at a restaurant overlooking the buskers. We order some food, have a few drinks and just ease into what will be our life for the next six weeks. We finish lunch and decide to go find a pub. There are a couple of pubs within 50m of our apartment so we go to the one we didn’t go to last time. It’s only small so a lot of people drink outside on the little cobble stoned street amongst the huge crowds of people walking back and forth. It’s something that just wouldn’t be allowed in Perth but it happens everywhere here. We drink inside because the kids need to sit down but that’s ok because it’s a great spot. We have a few drinks and get told at 6:20, “Ahhh, can you guys drink up because the kids aren’t allowed in the pub after 6”. Fine, time for dinner anyway. We make our way to Rossopomodoro, an Italian joint also about 50m from our apartment but in the other direction. The one thing we are not short of around our apartment is restaurants, pubs and shops. We don’t stay long though; I think yesterday’s long flight and the tough day we have just had is catching up with us. We are home around 8 and call it a day. We have decided we are going to do Camden Markets tomorrow. With tomorrow being Sunday and with beautiful weather forecast I'm sure it is a bad idea, but the lure of seeing freaks, and lots of them, is clouding our judgement.
Kris and Mia at Lunch
Tyler and Me at lunch
Tyler wins round 1 of freak watch, probably not a
great effort but better than any of us could manage.
We are all hoping to hit pay dirt tomorrow!

1 comment:

  1. Great to see you supported Kris in her hour of need Paul :-) that would have made a great freak photo if that breath of fresh air hadn't come along. Glad you're all well and made it safely. Looking forward to following your travels xx
