Monday, 2 September 2013

Do not buy a MAXROAM sim

Avoid overseas roaming charges they said, get a Maxroam sim and get “Low cost roaming in 200+ countries” they said. So I purchased 2 of these Maxroam sim cards, one for me and one for Kris. I stick the first sim in my phone and arrive in London and try to make a call to the owner of the accommodation where we are staying while I’m sitting on the train from Heathrow....sweet FA. Nothing. I buggerise around with this piece of crap and finally it decides to wake up. I get the call in, all good. The next day....ZIP. Nothing...again. I buggerise around....again. I finally get it to work. I spend about 10 minutes on the net over about an 8 hour period (I would have spent more but it only worked occasionally) and then sweet FA....again. So I email this mob and they say “sorry, you have no remaining credit and you won’t be able to access you sim until you add more credit”. WOW, way to beat those roaming charges, thanks bunch of thieving pricks!

By the way, the second sim worked exactly the same as the first sim. One minute she’s sweet. The next minute, ZIPPO!!

So, if you are planning a trip overseas my suggestion would be to maybe try another sim card provider because MAXROAM are crap.

1 star.


  1. Nice to get this advice. What did you do to get communications happening?

    1. We ended up only using the one sim. Instead of having two operational phones we made do with one. We topped up the sim as required and threw the other sim in the bin. We contacted Maxroam to ask for an explanation but they couldn't have cared less. They didn't even explain how the prepaid 30 euro was used. The functional sim rarely worked and it always seemed to malfunction when we really needed it. We didn't make a lot of phone calls, mainly used it for the net. The exact same thing happened on our first trip through Europe but we assumed it was an anomaly.
